Saturday, March 7, 2009

Did You Know?

Monday, December 29, 2008

10,000 Hits!

Thanks to our hit counter, the 21st Century has been informed that our site has been viewed over 10,000 times! Thank you everyone!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Vlad and friend Boris present "Song for Mrs. Palin"

"You know it's bad when the Russians are mocking you in a form of music video." Thanks Daily Kos!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

McCain and Computers 2.0

Here is the 21st Century favorite Obama ad so far. Thanks 23/6!!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Vulcan Nerve Pinch

The Vulcan nerve pinch is a long practiced technique of squeezing a victims shoulder leading to their unconsciousness. I apologize that I do not know how it is done. I can say though, that I have fun sneaking up behind people and lightly squeezing their shoulder. The turn around, and I casually explain that I was trying to do the Vulcan nerve pinch. Here I have Mr. Spock preforming a DOUBLE nerve pinch (left) and Jean-Luc Picard with Devor. 

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Alkali Metals in Water-

Alkali metals are metals that react explosively in water. They have other characteristics, of course. Please enjoy the border color.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Green Sea Turtles

By 21st Century Observer, thanks to National Geographic Kids (November 2004 issue).
You may know that sea turtles are an endangered species, but you probably don’t know the numbers. Green sea turtles need help.
If a female sea turtle lays 1,000 eggs, only one of those will survive.
1,000 eggs laid
800 of the eggs hatch.
400 of those make it off the beach. The others are eaten.
200 of those make it two to five years at sea. The others are eaten, or caught in garbage. This is one of the many reasons it is important to keep the oceans clean.
1 survives 30-70 years. The others die.
This leaves one sea turtle to reproduce again. There is a 50% chance it will be a female.
As well as it being just plain mean, it is illegal to harass, hurt, of kill a sea turtle. Fines can be as high as $25,000 plus a jail sentence.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Tales of an iPhone User: The Phone, Part 2

Making a call on the revolutionary new iPhone is easy. Simply tap on the phone icon and you can browse through your contacts that are automatically set as the ones from your computer. You can also add more directly to your iPhone if you want.
The ways to browse through your contacts are favorites, recent calls or callers and contacts. Favorites are the people you call the most. Recent calls are the people who you have recently called, and the people who have recently called you. Contacts are all your contacts, the people who have their names loaded onto your iPhone. You can also call people by returning their calls.
You can use the keypad to easily call people not in your contacts list. When you are talking to that person, you can add them to your contacts list.
During a call, you can easily put the person on hold, and make another call. Then, you can easily switch between the two calls, or merge them to a conference call. Making calls on an iPhone is fun, easy, and interesting. Join us again, on Tales of an iphone User!

Next, on Tales of an iPhone User: The Phone, Part 3.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

The British Redcoats

Ever hear the story about Paul Revere riding through town yelling, “The British are coming, the British are coming!” Well, that probably isn’t entirely true.
During the Revolutionary War, when the people of America were fighting for their freedom, the term for a British soldier was “Redcoat”. Now, you are all probably wondering, “Why were they called that!!” The British soldiers were called “Redcoats” simply because they wore heavy, bright red coats. Another term for them is “Lobsterbacks” which was usually used as an insult to them.
Now, I will get to my point. In the 13 colonies, everyone was British. When Paul Revere came riding around*, he probably yelled, “The Redcoats are coming!”

*The British army had found out which town the Colonists stored their ammunition at. Paul Revere came riding on a horse through that town to warn the villagers. The Redcoats were planning to attack in the morning, and when they did, the townsfolk were ready for them.

Monday, October 8, 2007

The iPhone

You walk into a Starbucks and you hear a good song playing. You take out your iPhone and tap the iTunes music store button. You see what the song is, and whom it is by. You decide you like it, so you buy it wirelessly for $.99.
These are some of the things that you can do with the now $399 (for 8 gig.) iPhone. Starbucks has recently teamed up with Apple in the way that I have just explained to you-when you walk into (most) Starbucks with wi-fi internet, you can preview or purchase the song playing, and the songs previously played. In the Starbucks, you can also browse the internet with your iPhone using their wireless network, rather than the slower Edge network.
When you are browsing the internet, listening to music and drinking your coffee, you receive a call. To answer, you simply pinch a small button (about the size of 1/4 of a stick of gum) that stops your music and answers your call.
You can find all this, and more in a sleek, silver, fun-to use product.

Next, in Tales of an iPhone User: The Phone, Part 1

The 21st Century Gets a New Template!

The 21st Century blog has gotten a new template! I like it more than the old one. I might change the Fluffemon Times template too. I think you should visit Fluffemon Times. Just take the link!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Foxtrot Rules!

FoxTrot Rules! FoxTrot, a comic strip about three siblings (including a 10-year-old genius) and an incredible iguana. 10-year-old Jason tortures 14-year-old Paige, while 16-year-old Peter keeps wondering why he can't gain a pound. I have recently started reading FoxTrot and I love it. You can take the link to the author's web-site.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The 21st Century

I named this page "The 21st Century" so I can write about anything I want to. One of my other pages is about my newsletter, "Fluffemon Times". (For more on my newsletter, take the link to it.) I will add on further posts in the future. I hope you enjoy looking at my page!