Sunday, December 2, 2007

Green Sea Turtles

By 21st Century Observer, thanks to National Geographic Kids (November 2004 issue).
You may know that sea turtles are an endangered species, but you probably don’t know the numbers. Green sea turtles need help.
If a female sea turtle lays 1,000 eggs, only one of those will survive.
1,000 eggs laid
800 of the eggs hatch.
400 of those make it off the beach. The others are eaten.
200 of those make it two to five years at sea. The others are eaten, or caught in garbage. This is one of the many reasons it is important to keep the oceans clean.
1 survives 30-70 years. The others die.
This leaves one sea turtle to reproduce again. There is a 50% chance it will be a female.
As well as it being just plain mean, it is illegal to harass, hurt, of kill a sea turtle. Fines can be as high as $25,000 plus a jail sentence.


Anonymous said...

I think it is terrible that people polute the ocean. what i do is cut my pop holders every time i get one, but sadly that is really all i can do considering i live nowhere near the beach. Please tell me some more tips if you have some!

Anonymous said...

i think that we should tell more people to not thorw things into the ocean i love these turtle i would neaver ilke to see these turtle get hurt

Anonymous said...

It shows that people don't care for the ocean and the animals in it when they just leave their garbge out on the beach.It's bad for the people that have to put up with it and the animals that live there.

Anonymous said...

I hate when people treat the ocean like a trash can.I feel so bad for the animals that have to put up with it every day.I hate going to the beach because all Iever see is trash every where.

Anonymous said...

It is sad that everyone doesn't even care about the turtles. I wonder if they even have hearts. It is very sad but true.

Anonymous said...

turtles are my favorite animal, especially sea turtles, and i would become really sad if one was hurt. even if it was only one. ppl are killing sea animals and they never done any harm to us. yet ppl still dont care about other animals' environment.

Varvara said...

Oh my god!!!! Какие дебилы, идиоты долбанные, загразняют океан, УБИВАЯ ЧЕРЕПАХ??? Back to english... KILL POLLUTERS!!!

Anonymous said...

wow. that really leaves u thinking.