Sunday, October 14, 2007

Tales of an iPhone User: The Phone, Part 2

Making a call on the revolutionary new iPhone is easy. Simply tap on the phone icon and you can browse through your contacts that are automatically set as the ones from your computer. You can also add more directly to your iPhone if you want.
The ways to browse through your contacts are favorites, recent calls or callers and contacts. Favorites are the people you call the most. Recent calls are the people who you have recently called, and the people who have recently called you. Contacts are all your contacts, the people who have their names loaded onto your iPhone. You can also call people by returning their calls.
You can use the keypad to easily call people not in your contacts list. When you are talking to that person, you can add them to your contacts list.
During a call, you can easily put the person on hold, and make another call. Then, you can easily switch between the two calls, or merge them to a conference call. Making calls on an iPhone is fun, easy, and interesting. Join us again, on Tales of an iphone User!

Next, on Tales of an iPhone User: The Phone, Part 3.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ho ho ho and a bottle of rum!